took a fake an made real

took a fake an made real
mic's pressie i made for him for chrissy

Sunday, 4 September 2011

agga's Bible

I am Known as, Christopher"Agga" Agostini.
And I Have A Theory!!..
Based on the  Unanswered Questions, Of Science.
You Know the One's that change careers, Make you or break you!.
So it's understandable as to why there would be panic here, to make the big claim's.
I mean you do have to simpithize here, because if i had just spent 10 years in school, getting my smarts. And then i make a discovery. That rock's my world. But not others, and they don't agree , so as the person making the theory. Is treated like a joke and not taken seriously.
So There- fore I understand the reasons, for not coming up with answers to the big Questions.
Because they have something to lose. I Do Not.
So i don't really care what others think of me, because i have better thing's to do on this planet. than worry what others think of me. or what i'm doing at the time.
Personally i find this disapionting. On the level that it stops people from trying, and having a go.
[Sounds to me like an old boy's club] What are Sientist are trying to create here?
  Because they reject everything else, except what comes from there groups. And that's wrong!Because that places limits on the information being gathered.
chapter.1. My Bible.......
The reason i called it that, is because for me ,the Infomation is what i have learnt over time. and the rules that make sense to me. so they are in my Bible. and that is the name for  it.
and like all other thing's in life. You dont have to agree with it, or like it .and we wont get into what i think of "the bible "and it's stories. So i don't expect you to like mine .
But the idea is exactly that. To place more ideas, in people's heads. because the problem with socioety, is that we are so hung up on the safety thing, and stupid wars. that we forget that there are other BIGGER and BADDER thing out there to worry about."Appofiss" for example. but thats cool we can trust our goverments, to look after everything right? WRONG!!!!!!!!!
do you really think they will try to save you or try to profit off of it?
Ohh i forgot, The war over Oil ,is for freedom, and not the money made from it, ehhh..
 Chapter.2.In the Beginning........
 Sounds serious doesn't it?
Ever since i was in school 20 years now i remember. I had discovered this huge thing called the story of the Universe.
Now what  was taught in schools back then has changed now, science has gotten more involved. but fair enough to the teachers they had a job to do. and the classes were to big .and the curriculum sucked heavely. because it was all changes all the time. [and you wonder why we didn't listen or had problems learning while in school in the 80's and 90's]
 the problem i had was that to me, i was brought up to respect , and not to judge a book by it's cover. .and there was no big bang till the 90's. anyway. so there was no cover to start with,[in the book] so i was taught that we had a solar system and there were thing's called galaxies [I Learn't more from startrek than school] lol
there were 9 planets to our solar system, consisting of a sun, and the 9 planets .aranged in there presant order. merc,ven,ear.mars.jup,sat,nep,ura.plu.and the latest in the list thanx to "Mike Brown" Who discovered the new Planet behind Pluto, and called it Erin.
then in the 90's we hear of this mirrical called the big bang theory.  the beginning of the universe. thats was new to me. never head of it. lol ,so i decided to study further ,over time. till coming to this conclusion, after watching countless docos ,and reading as much as possible on the subject.
I found that the concept of the big bang first came from good oll Albert, so it wasn't that new just argued about for a long time before agreed upon.[So persistance work's then].
So if all the scholars spend there time argueing the problem thats the reason for the time it takes to come to a decision.
I mean granted the system has plenty of time on the scale of things. but some things are closer than other's, so shouldn't we be getting the job done? for the betterment of humanity. not the piont of making someone famous. after all if someone wanted to know were it came from, they would find out and they would discover, that certain persons said it. so they don't lose after all. i think the problem is man as a hole has  to get over the idea of dieing .and concentrate on the future of this  race.
 Chapter #2...The Planet Earth..........
This fine Planet that we are lucky enough to inhabbit and we spend most of our time trying to do nothing other than fuck it up!!!!
Is that from some other race. cause it makes u wonder because everything's a cycle and if someones nieve enough to think god will save them that they don't care about the certain destruction loomong over us right now in the form of "Beatle jiuce" A Red darwf ready to let go anytime now and u can see it with the naked eye, but thats cool it'll be alright ehh god'll save u! cause your important out of the 6.5 billion people on this planet.
Ohh and all the scare of ," 2012" and that movie. and the profits well ,they were true in there predictions, but one thing .they were out of sync, like most profits ,but the differance here is the mihans. were only one year out ,of there prediction. but u have to remember at the time, it was discovered that they could do fuk all about it then .and because of all the in fighting, and arrogancce. that it just might come real close in 2013 ,and a sure hit in 2029 .and by that time .if we can do anything about it, i will be amazed.
 it's time to get your acts together people. stop the dickin around ,and look to the future not your pockets, cause if theres no planet theres no money to be made stupid, you ain't got the tech yet to be that nieve.
Now to other stuff,
they say that the planet came about in one big bang and all this took place at the same time.
This does not fit the pattern of the Universe as we know it. nor our solar system ,on the basis that there are explosions all the time in space .and they are not regulated to just the big things, like galaxies, they include planets as well .now as the sun has couried arond the galaxy over the so called billions of years, it has collected the planets in our system  and the more that were collected the more the system slowed to it presant state .as no doubt it will collect more over time.[the problem is scientist are trying to explain everthing in the attempt to understand it all .but have they ever thought it might be a better idea, to concetrate on one thing at a time . after all and u think the way things work would be any differant than the way you think. i mean you collect shit to justify your igsistance[he with the most toy's wins] theory!.
and u think this does not apply to the universe why?
after looking at everything around me so far the one thing i've discovered, Is that everthing in the realm of relativity has a purpose and works with it's self to make it all fit but as we know that doest always work.
Those planets with a moon have just as much chance as us .we just gotta let nature take it course not keep try ing to minipulate the evolutionary scale of things to make it fit our reality.
 Chapter #3...The Moon.......
The Magic of the moon is overwhelming at the best of times but i'm affraid to burst ya bubble but there is no magic here.....
The moon revolves around the planet giving us such thing's as tidal waves, this is occoured due to the moons gravitational pull on our planet, as it revolves around us. and because we are creating a gravitational pull  as we go around the sun it pulls on the moon[Has anyone come up with the crazy idea that the moon might be getting further away becase of all the iron that we have placed on the planet that it might weeken the gravitational pull of the moon to us ,our own tech might be killing us to date slowly but surely]."Interesting Thought"
Have u ever tryed. to attract a magnetic object though somthing that lessens the magnitation, so there for the pull is less so the grip is lost on the oject, you are holding. Simple Experiment!
 Now apart from being our statelite that helps to keep everthing from falling off.
It is also a dead rock as we can tell so life will not form there at least not without our help.
Mars would be the better chioce, for that,But don't make the mistake of thinking that this could fuk certain things up cause nothing has evolved there, as we know yet .and helping it can't be bad  we just gotta keep our thoughts out of it and get the job done{NO What If Crap}
 Mars is on the outer edge of the life line as we call it and Venus is on the inner.
So as the sun expands the planet of mars might just evolve it self given enough time but as the map of the human race shows is that we are inpatient and like to minipulate things to our advantage and that could be our down fall if were not carefull.
there are plenty of theories out there of how the moon evolved from the conception stage through to the ateriod stage.
But has anyone ever thought of the concept that the moon might of been the smallest planet in the outer region of another form of planets. Huh u say well how about this for thought.
 The moon was a part of the cluster of planets roaming arond getting bigger as they go colllecting matter along the way and our system has it's first collision which creates the first system,
The Sun and it's moon Mercurary[as we call it].
Then the planet of Venus as we call it, Earth and then mar's as the last in the system.
The theory here is caused for the fact that we have more than one metior belt in our systems collecting up all the left over crap[rocks etc]
So if u use this as a starting piont, the planets are all revolving around the sun very fast ,at this piont .
between 3-4 day cycles as the first possie roams arond the galaxy.
then one day the enevidable happen and as the galaxies collide why not the sysytems.
so we have the Sun roaming with it's possie, then it comes across a huge mother witha possie of it's own. the only problem is that the other possie is bigger but somthing's differant.
The other group doesn't have a sun they are hanging out with. So our sun has ingnited and is burning the other is not, cause it has not lit up it is a brown sun[Jupiter] so over time the sun pulls on the other possie and they are forced to jion the group, and as confusion and disharmony is happening the planets are out of alinment and as the moon hit's the earth, it is welded to the position and the other moons and planets fall into place due to there oder of how they have evolved and who has the most pull just like a well placed group of magnets if placed right they will pull each other in. but if u introduce a stronger force it will be pulled first in the order of thing's we call  this nature. do the math and for the pull of the sun there is an oppisite pull from the planets so it's a tug of war as to keeping them in line with each other[hmmm this sounds fimiliar in the order of thing wouldn't you agree]. if there were no rules we would falter just like the system and the universe but this is to much for the brainiac's of the world to comprehend.[to easy isn't it! ever thought it might be that easy cause you are supposed to be moving on by now]. to the next chapter!!!......
 So by this time sure the earth could of been in a laval state and when the moon hit it melded slighty.
Just as the thought that the earth would have gone though the same stages as the others planets in our system it's just were to arrogant to put it all together.
How do i come up with this you ask???......Well See if u can keep up.
 Chapter #4....The Planets.......
Mars again..
In the 1900's it was concieved that when mars was looked apon it had hugh[Canarlies] all over it.
Now children pay attention here ,the word Carnarli, is Latin or italian for Canael. and the greater to that is a canyon.[some boff's will tell u a bigger version is an carnarli but thats just plain confusing so remember what i said about keeping up.
The idea at the time was that if the planet had huge canarli over it that indicated that there must of been a industiral cizilization on the planet to create such huge achievments.[u gotta wonder ehh but for the time religion ruled so the answer is evident].
Mariner 9 was the first to completely circimnavigate Mars so now we know how it all happened .is as we speak happening now.
The Mariner Valley on mars in the result of a dried up deep lake ,bit like the loch in scotland.
The face on mars was a nasa hoax, it was a picture taken direct on so as the shadows show and it resembles a face if u look at it from the right perspective u will see it's none other than just a mountain on the surface with indents in it.
So as the earth cooled it took on the look of mars for a millemia or so and the revolution of the moon cooled it more and the second erra of the millenia it took on the look of titan, with a viscos liquid state on the surface.water came to the surface from the mix  then as it cooled more it iced over and  then an event came about which started the warming proccess again and off to the next stage life.
Then we have life on the planet but i'm not here for earth. i'm interested in that thing called everything else so we won't  need to get into the earth so much.
[Food for thought].... If Pulsars. explode and the gammer rays hit earth then were doomed .but the prob here, is that to think that gammer rays and pulars haven't gone bang before, and the green house repaired itself, look at what we have done to it, so far ,it's recovered hasn't it?
There sure is more to worry about than oil in life people, i think Stop being so petty!!!!!......
Is the earth and the moon moving away at the same rate if not we should look at the above theory on gravity.
I once thought that the planets were here to protect our planet but now i see that has to be crap cause that would suggest a great diesigner and that don't go down well any were but u do have to think about it. On the fact that why would u put gas planets to protect somthing bit silly ehh it'd be like giving a knight a woolen shield to fed off enemies .
mar's Stage in development is still in the early stages the viscous stage[As i call it,titan look]
has'nt taken effect yet and it won't happen in my time well u never know.
would it be that hard to send oxygenated cells to mars carrying trees they would be protected from the winds and could start to transform the area of  mars. just like we do here with our trees.
 Chapter #6... The strange Stuff.........
this is were it gets a bit wierd for me from here on in.
the reason for these conclusions is the first Question . Why do we have two main belt systems surrounding us??????
Do the other systems contain the same or more???
and this is were i have troubles cause every were i've looked so far it indicates that the other systems that we can observe are just forming still or the theory is correct as to the extra belts.
I am led to believe that the belts is the made up crap that has been collected up from the leftovers.
of the systems forming and that would lead to they are defanatly still forming and we gotta look else were to find more u see the reason as to why i thnk thing just don't fit we have one on the very outer of our system witch suggest cleanliness and uniformati stating that our system is doin fine and is healthy. But we also have one between mars and Jupiter Why?? What function would it perform exept to be a second shield is jupiter keeping it in line? or mars or maybe the sun see the ting is that if we didn't have two major events in the past why did they form and whats there purpose except to defend [like using a piece of cheddar as a shield.
and from here on is were the gas planets start no real prob here except that they couldnt all be the same it suggests that all the other planets have stopped forming and that dosen't fit and they are still getting the sun so that ain't it. and back to the shield thing the planets are gas mostly so the purpose of protection can only work for slow moving objects cause the effect of a comet hitting it.
It might be slowed down but nit by much. and it would do stuff all to deflect any thing so that ones out the door people.
 jupiter and on........
we'll from her on in we ave a huge collection of gas planets whitch are now named "Blue gasius Planets'Pluto is'nt a gas planet, So wouldn't it be better to suggest that we have to classes consisting of,Gasius Planets, and ice Planets . there are enough of them around to give them there own class as well. u could call the warmer planets in the cluster of preastorical class and the Viscous/ice planets u could call the neanderthall class of planets in the evolution of the system.
and moons need to be of a planetary look to be classed as moons the ones that are not could be classed as satilites cause there roaming around everywhere and around planets as well.
the gas planets could come under the "Matter Class" they are forming and consist of matter they have a mass but as yet re not a solid enough to be classifyed as anything else as yet.
take uropia, what if it was originally in our cluster cause it just doesn't fit as to why would it be the only main one to be that advanced. what if it was in ours and got knocked into jupiters end of the system and cause jupiter has the greater pull it pulled the little uropia uder it's wing so he was the unlucky one.
 neptune......... this ones a bit wierd but not really to me the reason it has rings opposit is cause thats the left over of destoyed asteriods that were to close and they got caught in jupiters pull as well and they were ripped apart so rings are starting to form around the planet saturn has been at it for centuries so it looks great. neptune is still working on it ehh.
strangely enough they resemble the moon  cycle of thing's.
So we have the systems roaming around the place minding there own and one day the pull of our sun is greater so it drags the other in and in the insuing mess after time the whole thing has evened it self out to look what it looks like today the reason for this theory is tht if galaxies can collide and comets etc why can't systems course they can silly.
Andromoder galaxy is gonna colide with our galixy the milky way but no solar systems could do that.
how close is the nearest system to us and is it moving closer?? probably is to suggest it's not would have to be a huge wild card in nature.
i'm not interested in the next planet like ours i'm waiting for the complete system like ours  with the same arrangment of planets and all the extras to go with it will we find one ??
I'd say it's likely we will but the question is will it have heaps like ours and if not that sujests that the system we live in was once a hell of alot smaller and it has collected smashed and expanded ever since and still is so there we have the story to why things are expanding and in the end if there is gonna be one i prob won't be around to see it but there will be one huge system in the universe and by that piont in time as we call it the huge galaxy would have to pull on itself and inplode on it's elf and then we have the prob of were does it go wel it can't and i think that it will impode to the piont that te next big bang comes and it all starts again by this time the human race wiill be able to watch from a wicked vantage piont like the next young vers to us by thatt time ten we will know for sure how it all began started and finished but will that be the end i doubt it caus e to deny mans curiosity is reckless cause we will never run out of Questions to ask and by then we  will of worked out time travel and we will have the chioce of running it our selves or going back in time to change thing for the better in a differant dimention so as we do not fuk our own past creating paradoxes
a paradox is the answer given when u get stuck on a problem and can't concievable go any further with it and it councils it's self out. cause that make your head hurt is that not sujesting that u are thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........
 Chapter i forgot.....Other shite that gets me........
there were originally 13 sign's in the zodiac and astrology the thirteenth was called [insert here]
and he was the bearer of Serpants, and his possition in the system was just after sagatartius.
they knocked him off cause i'm guessing that the Romans did it cause it didnt fit the twelve months in there calendar that would of taken some stuffing around to redo it all and u think that shite is real if it was so true then answer me this.......For Astrology to be true Wouldn't it read the same in all Papers?
Piont 2 is that the problem with astrology is that at the time it was consieved i was sure born under the star of aquarius. but two thousand years later i really was born under the star of gemini but cause of the way it was set up your born tech 2000 years ago under them stars cause there not there today.
 Crux is the system were our southern cross resides. near the alpha one star. There are 8 serperate solar systems in that cluster.
the nemisis of our sun is the brown giant Jupiter.
 To make an explosion u need certain thing to make it happen first off u need a fuel sourse,Nitrojen
etc, then u need in this case the reaction is chemical but the same rules apply.and ignition cause in this case it would be the mixing of the chemicals, and the reaction would be friction in this case is the ignition cause so u would have a boom but if the mix isn't just right well nothing will happen just like is evedant.
What if u turned off the un it's lights out would it look like jupiter????
If there are dark matter and anti mater and the big bang happened then why is it the darkmatter surrounding us was once the posotive charge that caused the bang and all the black out there is whats left over and in all things theres gotta be a loser and that was anti matter the negative charge
because the posotive charge is the big bang the negative is what it was till the chemical reaction took place and there you have it.
The Greatest Thing About Being Big Is Theres Plenty Of Room!!!!!
A cluster of galaxies are called a shapley[i think probably named after the founder]
a Super Cluster of galaxies  the biggest one we know is our local cluster, the virgo cluster[so now u know your address on the cluster scale of the universe makes u feel even smaller].
even when u come to think that the cluster is around 400 million light years accross lets do the math,light travels at 6 trillion miles in a year,well close to anyway. 186, Million miles a second.
It would take u two seconds to cross the expance or just over but the math is out any ways heres the facts on how it's done.
Light travels at-5,865,696,000,000. miles in a year.
there are 60 seconds in 1,One minute.
So you got 60* 186,000,000. Miles a Second.[ * being for"Multiply" could of used an x]
60x186,000,000.=11,160,000.miles a minute.
there are 60 min in an hour. 60x11,160,000=669,600,000.
there are 24 hours in a day: 24x669,600,000=16,070,400,000 miles an day.
So we have 365.25 days in a year.[ .25 represants a leap year]
365.25x16,070,400,000=5,869,713,600,000.miles in a year. and thats light travel, or how fast it travels in a year and how to work it out. Or
5,Trillion.869,Billion.713,Million.600,Thousand.miles in one year.[what a mouth full]
when u do the math the first estemate was off by 5,Billion Miles but over that expance of space not much but incorrect so now it correct until we get there at least.
So if you were to peer at somthing say a star though the HUBBLE telescope that was 100,000,000.
light years away, that means it's. 586,971,360,000,000,000,000. Miles away. so that pic is ineffect
100,Million years old. to spell out a light year it would look like this.....
586,sextillion.971,Quintillion.360,Quadtrillion. miles away or 1 one light year.........
Viods are super Cluster waiting to happen well there empty now but they will fill with  star stuff don't worry. to make sence of the whole thing u gotta think in the terms that for everyodd in the verse there has to be an even and for every ying theres a yang. every bad a good .
so for every black hole there must be a galaxy as there are suns to every system the stibality of the verse depends heavely on the fact that there are even odds every where and as we find more u will see that the same applies all accross the verse trust me.
The Alpha Blob[the first found so far] Or Lymen Blob named after the founder of it.
Could very well be the start of a new Universe in it's beginning just forming.
to determan the sive of a solar sytem wre the rocks are is the border and for galaxies well were the main solr systems stop or start to  wre the cloud stops  is it's size sfter all all that matter is circulating one huge mother fuker of a black hole the reason for thr dust is caus ethats all the fat barstard can fit in now to keep the fires burning ohhh black holes thats another story to come stay tuned..............................................

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