well haven't i a story to tell this time
the other day a friend or should i say my best friend comes up to me backyard for a visit and we court up at the local had a good time and a few beers,
anyways after this we parted way afterone of the best nights one could have thx mate if she,s reading it.
then i makes me way home and a couple of days pass and we catch uop again just before headin home. that night i headed home but there was a sllight diafferance in the air.
And that was the fact that there was somthin in the air happening down there.
and i am not kidding at all the problem is that what was goinv on down there was a slight swelling to my old boy
now not much is payed here espesally since i,d had pimpals on my balls before and thought fuck all of it.And even a sist at one stage that i sorted my self by poping the little bliter,
and stuffin .it with cotten and good old tape.
now this is aat least two years ago this happened to me
the problem of today is heaps differant and much more a seriuos one
any ways the reason for this to let everyone know how easy it is to catch and how important
hygiene is and how u should at leasttake care of the most important things course u dont know how important it can be to u if u have a chance of loosing it
And we are not alking about petty little things here like ya t.v. or your playstation we are rtalking about the very close chance of loossing your man hood and not being able to
perform as one would say.
so fuckin wash ya self ya fuckers.
so back to basics
so after i notice the swellling i had just thought ok another sist i,ll fix it and hat was the start of the mayhem.
cause little did i know.
so i was dion the usual and sqeezing at the thing and while not doin that i was sqweezing my legs together to create another pian to take my mind of off the first one
The second mistake that was.
so the weekend is over and its eaprly monday morning and i am in quite a bit of pain
can't sleep and haven,t foor the last few nights tossing an turning all the time.
while squweezing at it in the hope of popping it
But the the blighter was being a real pain in the u know what. And sleep was right out of the equasion but never the less I decided if it cept persisting that I would have to go see a doc and by the next day I had doubled my original size and dam was ti an ugly looking thing.
took a fake an made real
Saturday, 19 November 2011
gang green the price to pay
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
The English Language
I was sitting ere the other day on my tablet (NOT a bad little machine the XOOM just android an it affiliates need to fix there links, and sites, before adding an app, to d/l). Cause they don't ,test and check them, How do I know?
Simple, there are heaps of sites out there(Apps), that don,t work correctly .Now weather this is tech, or lack ,or greed of money,
Not sure, but please pay attention, because i'm not being racist here but u can check.
And I have found this out, by checking sites. Now the thing is I have English as my second language, the reason I am good at it ,or reasonable anyway,
Is. I practice it alot witch others don't. How simple is it when an (APP) says it's free you would expect it. But u use once or twice and then the app says u gotta buy it.(people: just because nothing in the world is free).Does not mean u can abuse the word, anyway you see fit.
What should be written is (TRIAL) Stupid! And or free trial.
Not free. If you wanna be lazy an assume to make an ass out of you an me!,,,
That's fine ,but in the long run it's gonna cost u cause of your lazzyness ,and lack of understanding, because you didn't practice ,more fool you ,friend the World is about learning not cheating ,witch clearly some are attempting to do more an more ,as I age and that shits me cause I have news for ya
Google it motherfucker! Was a joke and it tended that way ,but some fools took it seriously. (Or maybe someone who thought they were smart) an we all know that story ,if u been there. But that's cool we have come to the 21st Century, and we can marvel at our own stupidity .and how after 2Thousand years, U would think but no we,ve learnt Fuckin Nothing!
We still fight over petty shit and greed ,we still don't listen ,and there ears are painted on.
All in all apart from some great inventions, most of what comes and has come from this in between, is either reruns remakes or rebuilds look at the television and now bullshit reality is on way out ,so it's rerun on t.v. and no offence to a great mind(jobs) but do we really need ten pods a year and three samsung galixy II' IIs IIS1900 SII1900t Come on People in a recycle World and your to stupid to see it?
Oh that's right plastic is recycleble. Hey Dickhead Google it Motherfucker. And u'll find exactly how hard it is to recycle plastisc' just to weld it together all pieces have to be the same to work proper.
But someone told u, some shit an u believed it ,well remember the mate that said he knew everything about cars. or yeah i'm a plumber yeah it ended costing u heaps, and there's a differance NO. but you don't put it together.